Thursday, February 7, 2008

In the beginning...

Well, I thought I would take a few moments to explain the situation, then start my actual journal through this blog.

I have entered into a 3 month contract with someone to be his submissive (ends early April). Appropriately, He will be referred to as Master throughout this journey. I did so with open eyes, knowing what I was doing. This is very important to him and that is the underlying reason for me to do it.

I have never thought of myself as a submissive person. I am the type of person that compromises and does what others suggest quite a bit, I also try to make sure everyone is happy. Another of my traits is to follow the rules, sometimes too much. While these are submissive activities, it never really made me think of myself in a submissive way. I have always just taken this as part of who I am.

This blog will be my thoughts and ideas during this time. I am having difficulties in many areas dealing with having to change myself to be a submissive person. I know many people go into these types of relationships wanting to be the role they are. For me, this is an exercise for my Master, and therefore the psychological aspect is much more of a challenge for me, versus the aspect of doing whatever I am told.

My Master has asked me to write in a journal every night. He indicated it is for him, not a personal journal. Since we are 3 states apart from each other, I am doing it in this fashion so that he has access to it all the times. This also allows him to share this blog with whomever he chooses.

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